Ripples Across Borders: The Global Stakes of the U.S. Election

Show notes

In this special collaborative episode of Civics and Cynics, our team of international experts from the Hasso-Plattner Institute’s Governance, Technology, and Policy Research Group come together to explore how the 2024 U.S. election might shape the world beyond America’s borders. Together, Ewan Thomas-Colquhoun, Dr. Juan S. Gómez Cruces, Dr. Jamie Ranger, and Dr. Umer Jan examine the impacts of a potential Trump or Harris presidency on diverse regions—from Latin America to Central Asia, Africa to South Asia.

Ewan Thomas-Colquhoun brings insights into Eastern Europe and Central Asia, weighing how shifting U.S. support could affect the conflict in Ukraine and regional security alliances. Dr. Juan S. Gómez Cruces discusses the effects on Latin American immigration, trade, and political alignments in the face of heightened rhetoric and complex cross-border ties. Meanwhile, Dr. Jamie Ranger explores Africa’s unique position in global affairs, addressing issues like U.S. trade initiatives, security cooperation, and the influence of China and Russia on the various countries of the continent. Dr. Umer Jan rounds out the discussion with a focus on South Asia and the Middle East, where changing U.S. alliances with nations like India and Pakistan could have wide-reaching consequences.

Join us as we move beyond the headlines, diving into the ripple effects of America’s election on nations around the world. In a rapidly changing global landscape, the Civics and Cynics team breaks down the stakes of U.S. foreign policy and the implications it holds for countries far and wide.

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